22 Aug Jet Flush/Power Cleanse
Problems with your Central Heating?
- Are some of your radiators completely or partially cold?
- Do your radiators need frequent bleeding?
- Is the radiator water dirty and discoloured?
- Are there ‘kettle’ like noises coming from your boiler?
- Do you have repeated pump failures?
If any of these symptoms seem a bit too familiar then your central system could be in need of a little TLC. A jet flush ultimately combats any circulation or flow problems that can result in corrosion and the subsequent formation of rust, sludge, and scale deposits. You will also benefit from the enhanced efficiency of your central heating system, meaning that you get the maximum heat output possible, reduced (or eliminated) boiler noise.
Jet Flush should be viewed as a dialysis of your central heating system. The process involves the system being forcibly cleansed of sludge and corrosion by using pumped water at high velocity but at low pressure so as to ensure that no physical damage is caused to the system.
At We Love Your Boiler, we considerably improve the efficiency of the jet flush process with the addition of powerful cleansing and mobilising agents and magnetic filters to remove debris, all of which restore central heating systems to optimum performance, thus improving reliability, energy efficiency and cost–efficiency.
To arrange an appointment, or if you want some expert advice, use the form below or call us on 0141 375 9345
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